Friday, March 13, 2009


Who is the leader of the Republican party? Seems like more and more people are coming out against Michael Steele. What he said about Rush was a little off base. Why he thinks we need to re-invent the party is unbelievable! The fact of the matter is that Republicans seem to have abandoned their principles for acceptance. They had a chance to stand up to Democrats in the House and Senate on this ridiculous Omnibus bill that passed and was signed by Obama! Its all about payoffs and votes. The Republicans are supposed to be about fiscal responsibility so why in the world would they insert earmarks into this bill? We have a tough fight ahead of us someone needs to step up and protect us!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sarah Palin

Well the left loons are at it again. It seems that Bristol Palin and her fiance have called off their relationship. The Daily Kos and Huffington Post have written vile editorials on their web sites. The left is afraid of Palin and what she stands for. Patriotism, self reliance, accountability, I could go on but you get the point! Sarah is strong and the left will try to do anything to bring her down! I hope she runs in 2012 because that will scare the hell out of the loons! If anyone reads this please visit these sites and tell them how you feel!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Today the President is to sign HR1105 Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009. A bill that is full of earmarks! (over 8000 ) On the campaign trail, Obama vowed to veto any bill that contained earmarks! Just another broken campaign promise by his holiness! In a press conference today Obama said he would not outlaw earmarks but that legislators had to disclose them on the web before they are voted on. Huh? It seems that Obama says on thing and means something totally different. Republicans had a chance to take the high road on this issue but chose to participate in this 410 billion dollar mistake. Republicans are supposed to be the party of fiscal responsibility but a number of them are acting like the opposition! Here are the names of the members who voted for this bill. Please write to them and tell them to stand up fot the principles they ran on!

Alexander TN.
Bond MO
Cochran MS
Murkowski AK
Shelby AL
Snowe ME
Specter PA
Wicker MS

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Had a chance to read article by David Frum in this weeks issue of Newsweek titled A conservatives case against Limbaugh. I must say it was written by a RINO. Any so called conservative who can make the statement that the Republican party needs to re-define itself is and always will be a RINO (republican in name only). The reason the Republicans lost their way is due to so called conservatives compromising their core beliefs to try to please everyone. Republicans are supposed to be the party of fiscal responsibility that seems to have been lost in bailouts,Tarp,earmarks need I say more. David Frum claims that Rush is the face of the Republican party saying he hurts the party because the perception is that republicans are fat,prescription drug addicted womanizers! Rush is the voice of the opposition and the left is afraid of him. So just like they did with Bush they will try to cut him down at every chance. I heard Gingrich on Face the Nation say that it irrational for Rush to say that he wants the President to fail! Well Mr. Gingrich I want socialism to fail and if that means Obama fails so be it!

Monday, March 9, 2009


Whomever reads this blog knows that I work for the post office. As I left today I noticed the new issue of Newsweek due out tomorrow March 10. To my surprise (not really) on the cover was a picture of Rush Limbaugh with tape over his mouth that says enough. The caption underneath reads Conservatives tell Rush to stop. (something to that effect) Its disturbing to know that the main stream media and the White House are attacking a private citizen for wanting the Presidents policies to fail! It was alright for Liberals to wish President Bush ill will at every turn but talk about Obama and its gloves off! We need leadership in the Republican party and until that person rises Rush is our voice of reason.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Well, today ended up being a good day. Despite the rain I went to see my son in Illinois. My wife and I took him to see Watchmen. I have to say it was a great movie! The left will hate it and that makes it even better! I had an awakening of sorts today. I have worked for the post office as a letter carrier for the past ten years. I've been in the union for that entire time and really haven't had too many run ins with the hierarchy. This last election cycle really brought to light just how uninformed the membership is. It's no big secret that the past year has been devastating for the postal service. High gas prices and declining mail volume have caused the service to talk about cutting service. The irony in all of this is that the union endorsed Obama. If you are in a union this comes as no big surprise. Unions have always been pro-democrat.When you think about it the taxes, cap and trade and energy policies being pushed by the President is eventually going to be the end of the Postal Service! Big business and small businesses create the advertising mail that the service counts on to prosper. When you raise taxes on business then business has to make cuts and all too often it cuts advertising! This whole global warming hoax is also going to hurt. While the left impose restrictions on emissions and search for alternatives to drilling for our own oil the price of gas is bound to rise to levels seen this past summer further hampering the Postal Services ability to stay afloat. I hope all who have read this and are in the union think for themselves not for your union!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Defending the American Dream

Just returned from Defending the American Dream Summit in Milwaukee Wisconsin and I have to say that it was amazing to see and hear the 800+ people who are not happy with the direction our country is headed! I walked away from the summit feeling a sense of unity and at the same time a sense of urgency. The way of life we are used to is under assault by the left and if we choose to sit back and whine instead of act, then one day we will wake up and realize that America is not ours anymore! Its time to ask questions and demand answers from our elected officials. Socialism is not what we want for our country so we have to bring the fight and stand up for our principles!