Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Today the President is to sign HR1105 Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009. A bill that is full of earmarks! (over 8000 ) On the campaign trail, Obama vowed to veto any bill that contained earmarks! Just another broken campaign promise by his holiness! In a press conference today Obama said he would not outlaw earmarks but that legislators had to disclose them on the web before they are voted on. Huh? It seems that Obama says on thing and means something totally different. Republicans had a chance to take the high road on this issue but chose to participate in this 410 billion dollar mistake. Republicans are supposed to be the party of fiscal responsibility but a number of them are acting like the opposition! Here are the names of the members who voted for this bill. Please write to them and tell them to stand up fot the principles they ran on!

Alexander TN.
Bond MO
Cochran MS
Murkowski AK
Shelby AL
Snowe ME
Specter PA
Wicker MS