Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Had a chance to read article by David Frum in this weeks issue of Newsweek titled A conservatives case against Limbaugh. I must say it was written by a RINO. Any so called conservative who can make the statement that the Republican party needs to re-define itself is and always will be a RINO (republican in name only). The reason the Republicans lost their way is due to so called conservatives compromising their core beliefs to try to please everyone. Republicans are supposed to be the party of fiscal responsibility that seems to have been lost in bailouts,Tarp,earmarks need I say more. David Frum claims that Rush is the face of the Republican party saying he hurts the party because the perception is that republicans are fat,prescription drug addicted womanizers! Rush is the voice of the opposition and the left is afraid of him. So just like they did with Bush they will try to cut him down at every chance. I heard Gingrich on Face the Nation say that it irrational for Rush to say that he wants the President to fail! Well Mr. Gingrich I want socialism to fail and if that means Obama fails so be it!